Gentle Upstart: August 2005

Gentle Upstart

Monday, August 08, 2005


It was a very long time ago when he was a little boy and he heard his mother screaming


Mum said, "He behaves like this on their birthdays"; it took all this time to understand what she said.


Today; slipping in and out of Nirvana :-)


The man with the pointy side burns said I was like him; But I retorted I was not; he kept on insisting; he said, "you know where I am"; I replied, "I do not"; Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Fresh and Warm

Today the wind was awry; the trees swayed gracefully; it was fresh and warm; cumulus settled on the edge of the blue northern sky

Somewhat Sane

They say that there is only a God because of a 'God Spot' in the brain; or that it is an escape from 'reality', what ever that is; or that it is irrational, an escape from pain; All that can be said for that is, Thanks God for keeping me somewhat sane :-)


Going to the funfair is fine; but God, not every day, because then I will have time to talk to you.

Star Maker

Try this; More than SF


When things get buried in the sand; a strong tide or wind comes along anyway; and they become revealed


Had this vision; they where holding hands and smiling; and the children where playing like children children do


Everyone seems to believe in their own rationality; well that's just plain irrational


It was the early eighties sometime; we where walking through a colonnade of trees in Kew Gardens; Mum said' "One minute everything is fine and then the next minute..........'


Running around the same field time and time again